Creating a Unified Vision through Strategic Activities 

The Football Zajedno project is structured around four interconnected modules, each designed to address vital social topics and contribute to our overarching mission of unity, diversity, and inclusion. These modules serve as the building blocks of our transformative journey.

Training the Skills

Empowering Change Agents

In this foundational module, we focus on equipping our target groups with the knowledge and skills required to promote diversity & inclusion, human rights, and peace and reconciliation. Through education and preparation, we empower individuals to translate theory into practice. 

(a) FAIRPLAY TRAINING & MANUAL for Coaches, Educators, Clubs

Coaches, educators, and clubs receive comprehensive fair play training and manuals. This invaluable resource equips them with the tools needed to foster unity and respect within their teams and communities.

(b) FAIRPLAY WORKSHOPS for Kids (10-16 years)

Engaging workshops are conducted for young individuals aged 10 to 16, cultivating an understanding of diversity, human rights, and fair play both on and off the field.

(c) FAIRPLAY ACADEMY for Youth (16-20 years)

Our Fairplay Academy offers in-depth education on the principles of diversity, inclusion, and human rights, empowering the next generation of leaders and change agents.

Playing on the Field

Transcending Borders through Sport

This module takes the skills acquired in Module 1 and puts them into action, promoting intercultural competencies and cross-community work through football.

 (a) INTERNATIONAL & REGIONAL Youth Tournaments

International and regional youth tournaments provide a platform for young athletes to showcase their skills and celebrate diversity on the football pitch.

(b) GIRLS FOOTBALL FESTIVAL – Intercultural Youth Exchange

The Girls Football Festival is more than just a game. It’s an intercultural youth exchange program that promotes inclusivity, empowering young girls to excel in football while fostering cross-community work.

(c) FOOTBALL ZAJEDNO CAMP – Regional Camps for Coaches, Kids, and Youth

Regional camps bring together coaches, kids, and youths, providing them with a nurturing environment to learn, grow, and foster unity through football.

Going Public

Spreading and Amplifying Our Message

In this module, we take our mission to the broader public, spreading concepts of diversity, social inclusion, and human rights to stadium spectators, fans, governing bodies, cities, and villages. 

(a) SUSTAINABLE NETWORKS – Football Zajedno Conference and Networking Meetings

Our Football Zajedno Conference and Networking Meetings provide a platform for stakeholders, governing bodies, and communities to come together, fostering cross-community work and the exchange of ideas.


Mini Van Tours take our message of unity on the road, visiting cities and villages, spreading the values of diversity, inclusion, and human rights.

(c) SHOWING DIVERSITY – StartUp Pool & Campaigning with Associations, Clubs & Grassroots

We actively engage with associations, clubs, and grassroots organizations to promote diversity and launch campaigns that showcase the strength of unity through football.

Project Management

Behind the Scenes of Change

Effective project management is the backbone of our initiatives. This module ensures the smooth execution of our projects, including digital tools for target groups and multipliers.

(a) ONLINE PLATFORM for Clubs and NGOs

Our digital tools, including an online platform, empower clubs and NGOs with resources and information to further our cause and facilitate cross-community work.

(b) COMMUNICATION (Website, Social Media, Public Relations)

Our communication channels, including our website and social media platforms, keep our community informed, engaged, and connected.

(c) COORDINATION (Administration, Partner Meetings, Project Development, Monitoring)

Effective coordination is essential for the success of our projects. Partner meetings, project development, and monitoring ensure that our initiatives are on track and making a meaningful impact.

Join us in embracing these modules as we create a more inclusive and united football community where cross-community work, diversity, and unity come together.

Together, we are breaking barriers, promoting understanding, and scoring goals for change.


VIDC – fairplay

David Hudelist – project management
Markus Pinter – accounting & administration
Moellwaldplatz 5/3, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1-713 35 94 ext. 72 or 93
Fax: +43-1-713 35 94-73
E-mail: hudelist@vidc.org | pinter@vidc.org

Igrajmo zajedno inicijativa (iZi)

Benjamin Dragolj & Mirna Hrapović
– project management
Husrefa Redžića 17, 71000 Sarajevo
E-mail: benjamin@izi.ba | mirna@izi.ba

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